The Impact of Communication Skills on the Performance of Mental Hospital Nurses in South Sulawesi: A Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction


  • Mutiarini Mubyl Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia



Communication Skills, Worl Satisfaction, Performance


This study examined the impact of communication skills on the performance of mental hospital nurses in South Sulawesi, with work satisfaction as a mediating factor. Data was collected from 100 nurses at RSKD Dadi using a saturated sampling technique and analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS4.

The findings revealed a significant positive relationship between communication skills and work satisfaction. Additionally, both communication skills and work satisfaction had a significant positive impact on performance. Importantly, the study demonstrated that communication skills indirectly influence performance through the mediating effect of work satisfaction. These results suggest that enhancing communication skills among nurses can lead to greater work satisfaction and, consequently, improved performance.


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How to Cite

Mubyl, M. (2024). The Impact of Communication Skills on the Performance of Mental Hospital Nurses in South Sulawesi: A Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction. Proceeding of Research and Civil Society Desemination, 2(1), 331–336.