4Ps and Consumer Purchase Decisions: A Study of Giant Ekspres Makassar
4P, Marketing Mix, Purchase DecisionAbstract
This study investigated the influence of the 4Ps marketing mix (product, price, promotion, and place) on consumer purchase decisions within the Makassar Giant Ekspres retail industry. Employing a descriptive quantitative approach with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis using SmartPLS 4.0, the study analyzed data from 100 respondents. The findings revealed that the 4Ps marketing mix significantly influenced purchase decisions, explaining 48% of the variance. The inner model analysis indicated that "price" had the most substantial impact on purchase decisions. Hypothesis testing confirmed the significant influence of "price," "promotion," and "place" on purchase decisions, while "product" showed no significant influence. These results suggest that consumers are increasingly driven by price, promotion, and convenience when making purchase decisions. They are less concerned with traditional product-centric factors such as variety, quality, and appearance. In essence, consumers are more likely to purchase a product, even if it is not a necessity or doesn't meet their ideal standards, as long as it is priced competitively, promoted effectively, and easily accessible.
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