AI Literacy Level in MSMEs Assisted by PLUT South Sulawesi


  • Bahrul ulum Ilham Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia Makassar
  • Ahyar Muawwal STIMIK Kharisma Makassar, Indonesia



literacy, artificial intelligence, business, technology, MSMEs


This research aims to evaluate the level of artificial intelligence (AI) literacy among Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) assisted by the South Sulawesi Integrated Business Service Center or Pusat Layanan Usaha Terpadu (PLUT). AI literacy refers to the UN definition as the ability to "understand, use, monitor and critically reflect on artificial intelligence applications without having to be able to develop AI models," precisely the level of understanding, interaction, and utilization of MSME artificial intelligence technology in supporting business. The research method used was a survey and structured interviews with owners and managers of MSMEs in Makassar City. The collected data was analyzed using quantitative and qualitative approaches. The research results show that the level of AI literacy among MSMEs in Makassar City varies, with most respondents needing a more conceptual understanding of AI. Meanwhile, the level of operational expertise and strategic insight into using AI in a business context still needs improvement. This research implies the importance of increasing AI literacy among MSMEs to enable them to utilize this technology effectively in improving their business performance and competitiveness.


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How to Cite

Ilham, B. ulum, & Muawwal, A. (2024). AI Literacy Level in MSMEs Assisted by PLUT South Sulawesi. Proceeding of Research and Civil Society Desemination, 2(1), 369–374.