Trends and Strategies for Success in Global Business Environments


  • Asniwati Asniwati Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia
  • Ahmad Firman Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia
  • Andi Sri Wahyuni Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia



Technological Advancements; Demographic Shifts; Sustainability Considerations; Adaptive Strategies; Global Business Environments.


The research investigates the transformative impact of emerging trends on global business environments, focusing on technological advancements, demographic shifts, and sustainability considerations. The purpose is to examine how businesses can effectively adapt their strategies to leverage these trends. Employing a comprehensive literature review, the research synthesizes insights from various scholarly sources to provide a holistic understanding of the dynamic nature of global business landscapes. Methodologically, the study adopts a qualitative approach, analyzing qualitative data from academic articles, books, and reports to identify key themes and trends. The findings reveal that technological advancements, particularly in digitalization and artificial intelligence, have reshaped industries, business models, and competitive dynamics. Demographic shifts and sustainability considerations also present significant implications for market demand, talent management, and corporate social responsibility. The impact of the research underscores the importance for businesses to embrace adaptive strategies that capitalize on emerging trends to foster innovation, competitiveness, and sustainability. The study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by providing insights into the interplay between emerging trends and business strategies in global environments.


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How to Cite

Asniwati, A., Firman, A. ., & Wahyuni, A. S. . (2024). Trends and Strategies for Success in Global Business Environments. Proceeding of Research and Civil Society Desemination, 2(1), 70–84.