Strategic Agility in Global Markets: A Review of Business Strategy and Policy
Strategic Agility; Global Markets; Organizational Culture; Leadership; Strategic PartnershipsAbstract
This research investigates strategic agility in global markets to elucidate its dimensions, determinants, and implications for organizational success. Employing a mixed-methods approach, qualitative interviews with business leaders and a quantitative survey of firms across industries were conducted. Findings reveal that strategic agility encompasses sensing, seizing, and transforming capabilities, which is crucial for navigating volatile market landscapes. Organizational culture, leadership, strategic partnerships, and regulatory environments emerge as critical influencers of agility. Agile cultures and ambidextrous leadership foster adaptability, while strategic partnerships provide access to resources and expertise. Adaptive policymaking is essential for creating a conducive regulatory environment. These insights underscore the significance of fostering agile capabilities to thrive amidst global market complexities, offering valuable guidance for practitioners and policymakers alike.
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