Analysis Of The Calculation Of The Cost Of Production (Case Study On Millie Chips Msmes)


  • Ince Sitti Nurul Azizah Maulany Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia Makassar
  • Andi Marlinah Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia
  • Nur Rachma Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia



Cost of Production, Full costing method, Variable costing method, MSMES, selling price determination


Analysis of the Cost of Goods Production (Case Study of UMKM Millie Chips), supervisors Andi Marlinah and Nur Rachma This research aims to (a) determine the calculation of the cost of production at Millie Chips MSMEs. (b) to determine the net profit obtained from sales using a predetermined method. This research collects data personally by researchers by going directly into the field and trying to collect the necessary information and data. The type of research is qualitative. This research evaluates two calculation methods, namely the full costing method and the variable costing method, as well as the comparison between the two in determining product selling prices. Based on the research results, it shows that there are significant differences in calculating the cost of production and net profit between the full costing and variable costing methods. By using the full costing method, MSMEs can determine a more competitive selling price, while the variable costing method provides a clearer picture of the contribution of each variable cost to profits.


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How to Cite

Maulany, I. S. N. A. ., Andi Marlinah, & Nur Rachma. (2024). Analysis Of The Calculation Of The Cost Of Production (Case Study On Millie Chips Msmes). Proceeding of Research and Civil Society Desemination, 2(1), 105–125.