The Influence of Service Quality and Toll Rates on Public Interest in Using Toll Roads with User Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable at PT Makassar Metro Network
This study aims to determine The partial influence of service quality and toll rates on public interest in using toll roads, The influence of service quality and toll rates on user satisfaction with toll roads, User satisfaction with toll roads on public interest in using toll roads, The influence of service quality on public interest in using toll roads through user satisfaction with toll roads and The influence of toll rates on public interest in using toll roads managed by PT Makassar Metro Network through user satisfaction with toll roads. This research uses a quantitative method. The research is conducted at PT Makassar Metro Network in Makassar with a population and sample of 125 toll road users. The sample selection is done using purposive sampling and the sample size is determined based on the Yount percentage table. Data collection techniques include questionnaires, and data analysis uses the SEM PLS analysis technique. The results of the study show that Service quality and toll rates have a positive and significant influence on the public interest in using toll roads, Service quality and toll rates have a positive and significant influence on user satisfaction with toll roads, User satisfaction with toll roads has a positive and significant influence on the public interest in using toll roads, Service quality has a positive and significant influence on the public interest in using toll roads through user satisfaction with toll road and Toll rates have a positive and significant influence on the public interest in using toll roads through user satisfaction with toll roads.
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