Optimizing Regional Revenue through Sustainable Regional Planning (Case study: Lolai Toraja Tourism Area)


  • M Iqbal Suhaeb ITB Nobel Indonesia




environmental, socio-economic, sustainable impacts, tourist area


The Toraja region in South Sulawesi, which is currently divided into Tana Toraja Regency and North Toraja Regency, are two districts in South Sulawesi Province that rely on the tourism sector as the main driver of the regional economy. Various types of tourism destinations have emerged, one of which is the tourism destination in the Lolai Tourism Area. This has various impacts, including social, cultural, economic and environmental aspects of the settlement. This research aims to analyze the influence of the development of tourist attractions in the Lolai area on the surrounding residential environment and examine sustainable tourism development strategies in the Lolai Tourism area. This research uses descriptive analysis methods using qualitative and quantitative analysis. Samples from heads of families used purposive sampling to produce 75 families, and data were collected using questionnaires. The results of the research show that there is a joint economic, social and environmental impact on the development of the country's tourist attraction above the Lolai clouds, there is a partially significant economic, social and environmental impact on the development of the country's tourist attraction above the Lolai clouds, and there is an influence the most significant environmental variable for the development of the Lolai tourist attraction. Based on the results of the strategic analysis of sustainable tourism development strategies in the Lolai tourist area, it is then processed using SWOT analysis, producing directions that lie in the direction of S-O (Strength–Opportunity) or Growth (Development) to increase strength by taking advantage of existing opportunities. The managerial implication in this research is as a strategy recommendation that can be implemented for local governments and managers to develop the Lolai tourist area and increase the interest of domestic and foreign tourists to travel to the Lolai tourist area.


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How to Cite

Suhaeb, M. I. (2024). Optimizing Regional Revenue through Sustainable Regional Planning (Case study: Lolai Toraja Tourism Area). Proceeding of Research and Civil Society Desemination, 2(1), 61–69. https://doi.org/10.37476/presed.v2i1.46