The Influence Of Leadership, Compensation And Work Motivation On Employee Performance At The Makassar Religious Research And Development Center Office
Leadership, Compensation, Work MotivationAbstract
This study aims to determine and analyses leadership, compensation and work motivation on employee performance at the Makassar Religious Research and Development Center Office and to determine and analyses simultaneously the effect of leadership, compensation and work motivation on employee performance at the Makassar Religious Research and Development Center Office and to determine and analyses which variable has the most dominant effect on employee performance at the Makassar Religious Research and Development Center Office.
The population and sample withdrawal technique uses the Saturated Sample Withdrawal Technique, where all populations are sampled in this study. The number of samples in the study were 36 respondents. Data Analysis Techniques Using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Methods.
Based on the results of the t test (partial test) shows that leadership, has a positive and insignificant effect on employee performance at the Makassar Religious Research and Development Centre Office. While compensation and work motivation have a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Makassar Religious Research and Development Centre Office. Furthermore, based on the results of the F test (simultaneous test) shows that Leadership, Compensation and Work motivation have a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Makassar Religious Research and Development Centre Office. The variable that has a dominant effect on employee performance is the work compensation variable.
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