The Effect Of Work-Life Balance, Organizational Fairness, And Work Performance Appraisal On Bank Sulselbar Employee Performance Mamuju Main Branch
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keseimbangan kehidupan kerja, keadilan organisasi, penilaian prestasi kerja dan kinerja karyawan.Abstrak
This research aims to examine the influence of work-life balance, organizational justice, and job performance appraisal on the performance of Bank Sulselbar employees at the main branch of Mamuju. The research approach used is quantitative with survey research methods. The employee population is 60 people and the sampling technique uses a saturated sample so that the total number of respondents is 60 employees. This results of the research show that partially work-life balance and organizational justice have no effect on performance, while work performance appraisals have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Simultaneously the three independent variables make a real and strong contribution to employee performance with a calculated F value of 496.3769 > 3.16 from the f table value. The variable that has the most dominant influence on employee performance is work performance assessment with a standardized beta value of 0.921.
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