Description Of Competencies And Training Needs For High School Teachers In Maros Regency, South Sulawesi Province
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Training Needs Analysis, Teacher CompetencyAbstrak
This article is the result of descriptive research which aims to provide an overview of teachers' competency stages and the type of training they need to develop their competencies. A total of 129 teachers spread across levels in Maros Regency were asked to fill out a questionnaire with 13 competency indicators. Based on the results of the analysis carried out, it was found that the Competency Description of SMA/SMK/SLB Teachers in Maros Regency is generally still at the medium stage, although it is still in the low category and is also in the high category. The type of competency that still needs attention, especially for teachers, is the ability to understand the characteristics of students and the teacher's ability to develop the curriculum for effective learning preparation. So, based on data analysis, the necessary training needs are Pedagogical Competency and Professional Competency
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