The Influence Of Knowledge, Motivation, And Entrepreneurial Spirit On The Entrepreneurial Interest Of Nobel Indonesia Institute
DOI: Kunci:
Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Entrepreneurial Motivation, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Entrepreneurial InterestAbstrak
This study aims to analyze (1) The partial influence of the variables of knowledge, motivation, and entrepreneurial spirit on the entrepreneurial interest of students at the Nobel Indonesia Institute of Technology and Business. (2) The simultaneous influence of the variables of knowledge, motivation, and entrepreneurial spirit on the entrepreneurial interest of students at the Nobel Indonesia Institute of Technology and Business. (3) The most dominant variable influencing the entrepreneurial interest of students at the Nobel Indonesia Institute of Technology and Business.
This study uses a quantitative method. This research was conducted on the campus of the Nobel Indonesia Institute of Technology and Business. The determination of the sample size uses the Slovin formula, which totals 81 students and data collection uses a questionnaire.
The results of the study show that (1) Partially, the variable of entrepreneurial knowledge does not significantly and positively influence the entrepreneurial interest of students at the Nobel Indonesia Institute of Technology and Business, while the variables of motivation and entrepreneurial spirit significantly and positively influence the entrepreneurial interest of students at the Nobel Indonesia Institute of Technology and Business. (2) Simultaneously, the variables of knowledge, motivation, and entrepreneurial spirit have a positive and significant effect on the entrepreneurial interest of students at the Nobel Indonesia Institute of Technology and Business. (3) The variable of entrepreneurial spirit is the most dominant variable influencing the entrepreneurial interest of students at the Nobel Indonesia Institute of Technology and Business.
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