The Effect of Marketing Digitalization on the Performance and Sustainability of Culinary MSMEs in the New Normal Era
Digitalization of marketing is one strategy that culinary MSMEs can implement to increase competitiveness and business sustainability in the new normal era. This research looks at the influence of motivation, ability, awareness, attitude, and environmental variables on the performance and sustainability of culinary MSMEs that have digital marketing. The research method applied was a quantitative survey of 100 culinary MSMEs in Makassar City which were selected using purposive examination techniques. Information was obtained using an online questionnaire and analyzed with multiple linear regression. The research results show that all independent variables have a positive and significant influence on the performance of culinary MSMEs. Apart from that, the performance of culinary MSMEs also has a positive and significant effect on business sustainability. This research provides implications for culinary MSMEs, the government, and related parties to increase marketing digitalization as a way to face competition and challenges in the new normal era.
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